
Anthony Robbins Relationships Pdf

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The unloving person continues to blame bad luck or a series of external factors for their not having a loving relationship. Anthony Robbins - Duration: 23:44. Relationship destiny: the place to share and care -day three 326. Financial destiny: small steps to a small (or large) fortune - day four 329. Master your time and your life – day six 345. Rest and play: even god took one day off! Day seven 348. The ultimate challenge: what one person can do 350. TONY ROBBINS ULTIMATE EDGE™ Welcome to the Ultimate Edge™—your guide to getting the most out of life regardless of the circumstances that confront you and achieving the results you want, be it your finances, relationships, body, emotions, time—everything that matters to you most. By following the steps below, you can maximize your results.

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Anthony Robbins Relationships Pdf

  • Tony Robbins Quotes About Relationships. Some of the biggest challenges in relationships come from the fact that most people enter a relationship in order to get something: they're trying to find someone who's going to make them feel good. In reality, the only way a relationship will last is if you see your relationship as a place.
  • The past does not equal the future – Anthony Robbins Day 4 –The science of Success conditioning, Neuro-Associative conditioning, (NAC) To change your life you must change your neuro-associations. Three things must be in place for you to make these changes and count on them to last. They are the three fundamentals of NAC: 1. Get leverage on.
  • Provides much of the fuel and spice which makes life (and relationships!) interesting, and keeps us growing throughout our lives. Anthony Robbins intimates that peoples' behavior is ideally driven to meet the needs that are most important to them, more so the top 2 needs. This behavior can be negative or positive.

Anthony Robbins Relationships Pdf Books

Table of contents Welcome to Personal Power! Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4
Day 23 Day 24 Day 25 Day 26-30
The key to Personal Power The Controlling Force That Directs Your Life Taking Control: The First Step The Science of Success Conditioning: Neuro-Association Conditioning (NAC) What Everyone Wants and How You Can Get It! The Power of “Why” Values and Beliefs: The Source of Success and Failure How to Take Complete control of your life The power of why Creating your future: The Goal Setting workshop Success Conditioning: The Power of Rituals Anchoring yourself to success How to condition yourself for wealth Ending financial self-sabotage Overcoming fears or failure and Success and Overcoming fear and Rejection Eliminating Self-Sabotage and creating unstoppable self-confidence How to Increase Your Energy The power of Successful Relationships How to Solve Problems Quickly and Effectively My Personal Challenge to You
Subliminal Subliminal
Total self-confidence and Vibrant Health and Energy Unlimited Financial Success and Getting into [email protected]
Bonus Bonus
‘POWERTALK!’s The driving force: The Six Human Needs ‘POWERTALK!’s Meetings with Masters
Day 5-7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10 Day 11 Day 12-14 Day 15 Day 16 Day 17 Day 18 Day 19-21 Day 22
3 5 8 10 12 15 17
DEAR FRIEND: Welcome to Personal Power, and congratulations on your commitment to measurably improve the quality of your personal and professional life! You are about to join millions of extraordinary people who have invested in and experienced the amazing benefits of this 30-day audio coaching system. I am especially and excited to welcome you to this to this special new addition, Personal Power II: The Driving Force, and to share with you how important this journal can be to your success with this program.
Designed to be used after you listen to each day’s session, your Personal Success Journal is a place to constantly capture the key concepts and ‘action items’ of each day’s session. This simple system will help you maximize the benefits you experience. Your journal is written to reinforce specific stories, examples, and principles, so if you browse though it right now, it may make little sense to you. (This is not a set of Cliff’s Notes!) But when you review the summaries and complete the assignments each day following your audio session, you’ll find this journal; to be extremely valuable in acceleration the process of creating change and in expanding your appreciation of your personal progress. I’m a firm believer in the adage that if your life’s worth living, it’s worth recording, so in addition to the written exercises, be sure to take some extra moments each day to jot own a few notes about the events in your life, how you’re feeling what you’re pleased and excited about, and to acknowledge the positive changes you’re making. Personally, I’ve kept journals for nearly 2 decades, and I know you’ll find real value in putting your thoughts, ideas, and emotions on paper: There’s a certain level of clarity that comes from journal writing that’s difficult to reach in any other way. This is such a simple yet rewarding process! The value of it ‘creeps up’ on you. Its like watching children as they grow up: Sometimes it’s difficult to see how much they’re growing if we’re their parents, but when you see a child after being away for a while, the growth is so obvious! A journal gives you a chronicle of your own progress, and when you look back on it in the future, you’ll have that sense of distance that allows you to see and appreciate just how far you’ve come. Here are a few simple steps for getting the most from your journal: 1. Each day, Monday through Friday, listen to the assigned CD 2. After the session, open your journal and take immediate action on the day’s ‘assignment’ 3. Before you close it for the day, take a few minutes to reinforce your learning by jotting down any additional thoughts or feelings in your journal about what you learned and how you’re going to use the progress you’ve already made. So let’s go! I know you’re as anxious as I am for you to get started. It’s amazing to think what exciting things are in store for you between now and the end of the next 30 days. Throughout that time and until we meet in person, remember to…. Live with passion! ANTHONY J. ROBBINS
Day 1 -The Key to Personal Power
What changes, your life is making decisions and using your Personal Power, which is your ability to take consistent action. The Unlimited Success Formula 1 Know your outcome 2 Get yourself to take action by deciding to do so. 3 Notice what you’re getting from your actions. 4 If what you’re doing is not working change your approach. To save time and energy, use role models to accelerate the pace of your success: 1 Find someone who’s already getting the results you want. 2 Find out what the person is doing 3 Do the same things and you’ll get the same results. It’s impossible to fail as long as you learn something from what you do!
Your assignment: 1 Write two decisions you’ve been putting off which, when you make them now, will change your life. 2 Now that you’ve made a real decision, you must take immediate action. To do that write down the first few steps. What are three simple things you could do immediately – right now – that would be consistent with your new decisions? (For example, if you decided to stop smoking, what could you do with the cigarettes that are in your house right now?) Who could you call? What could you commit to? What letter could you write? What could you do instead of your old behavior? List the immediate actions, and then take action on them right now, in this moment. Never leave the site of setting a goal or making a decision without taking some action toward its attainment. That’s how you create momentum and start to tap into the real driving force within you. 1. Two decisions I’ve been putting off which, which when I make them now, will change my life:
2. Three simple things I can do immediately that will be consistent with my two new decisions:
‘There’s always a way – if you’re committed’ – Anthony Robbins
Day 2 - The Controlling Force That Directs Your Life
Ultimately, everything we do in our lives is driven by our fundamental need to avoid pain and our desire to gain pleasure; both are biologically driven and constitute a controlling force in our lives. We will do far more to avoid pain than we will to gain pleasure. Pain is the greater motivator in the short term. At any moment in time, whenever you focus you attention on is what is most real to you. Therefore, if you want to change your behavior, you must focus your attention on. 1. How not changing your behavior will be more painful than changing it. 2. How changing will bring you measurable and immediate pleasure. You must change what you link pain and pleasure to in order to change your behavior. Use pain and pleasure instead of letting pain pleasure use you! Your assignment To take control of your life, you must take control of the force of decision. The power to change anything in your life is born the moment you make a real decision – which by definition is something you take immediate action upon. Take the following steps now: 1. List four new actions you know you should take now. 2. What is the pain you’ve associated with these actions that has kept you from following through. Write it down. 3. List any pleasures you were able to get from not following through on these four actions. 4. For each of these actions, describe in a paragraph what it will cost you if you don’t follow through. What will you miss out on? What will you loose? 5. Now begin to associate pleasure with taking action For every by asking yourself these questions. What are all the disciplined effort benefits you’ll gain by taking action in each of these there is multiple areas now? How will it enhance your life? How will reward – Jim Rohn it create greater joy, happiness, success, freedom, or pride? Write down your answers.
1. Four new actions I know I should take now:
2. The pain I’ve associated with these actions in the past:
3. The pleasure I took from not following through in the past:
4. What it will cost me if I don’t follow through now:
5. The benefits I’ll gain by taking action in each of these areas now:
Day 3 –Taking control the first step
Specifically, what drives our lives is our neuro-associations: ie., whatever pleasure or pain we associate or ‘link’ to a situation in our nervous system is going to determine our behavior. If we want to change our lives, we must change our neuro-associations. 1. The science you’re going to learn in this program is NeuroAssociation Conditioning (NAC). This system will allow you to link massive pleasure to tasks you’ve been putting off, but need to take action on today, and link pain to behaviors you’re currently indulging in but need stop – both of which will help you tap into the natural principles of your nervous system. The use of this program will give you a way to take direct control of all your behaviors and emotions, but in a way that simply requires the power of reinforcement not discipline. 2. In this session, you learned to ask yourself, ‘What are some of the negative associations I’ve made in the past that have kept me from taking actions I need to take to achieve my ultimate desires?’ 3. Your neuro-associations control your level of motivation. Every single action your take has an effect on your destiny. If we study destiny, we find everything in life has four parts: 1. Everything we think or do is a cause set in motion. 2. Every one of our thoughts and actions is going to have an effect or result in our lives. 3. Our results begin to ‘stack up’ to take our lives in a particular direction. 4. For every direction there is an ultimate destination or destiny. It’s important for your now to begin to answer two questions: What is your ultimate destiny? What do you want your life to be about? While few people know precisely how their lives will turn out, we can certainly decide in advance the kind or person we want to become and how we want to live our lives. Having this ‘bigger picture’ can pull us through some of the short term tough times and keep things in perspective, allowing us to remain happy, fulfilled, and driven to achieve our dreams.
Your assignment 1. Write down three neuro-associations you’ve made in the past that have shaped your destiny positively. 2. List three neuro-associations that have been disempowering you until now. Decide you will change there today
Simple awareness can be curative. It can break the pattern of allowing our unconscious conditioning to control us. 1. Three neuro-associations I’ve made in the past that have shaped my destiny positively:
2. Three neuro-associations that have disempowered me until now
The past does not equal the future – Anthony Robbins
Day 4 –The science of Success conditioning, Neuro-Associative conditioning, (NAC)
To change your life you must change your neuro-associations. Three things must be in place for you to make these changes and count on them to last. They are the three fundamentals of NAC: 1. Get leverage on yourself. To do this, three levels of responsibility are necessary – you must decide the following: a. Something must change. b. I must change it. c. I can change it 2. Interrupt your current pattern of association. You must scramble the old pattern of thinking and feeling: this is best done with something unusual, such as making a radical change in what you say or how you move your body. 3. Condition a new, empowering association. Install a new choice, and reinforce it until it is conditioned. Any thought, emotion or behavior that is constantly reinforced will become habit (a conditioned pattern). Link pleasure to your new choice. Reward yourself emotionally even for small progress, and find yourself developing new patterns quickly. Your Assignment For each of the four actions you listed yesterday, do the following: 1. Get leverage: Write down 10 reasons why you must change that behavior now; then list all the reasons why you can do it. 2. Interrupt your own pattern: Design four or five ways to get yourself out of the limiting association - and do them! 3. Condition yourself by rehearsing your new behavior. Give yourself a sense of accomplishment and exhilaration, pride, or joy each time you do this. Do it consistently and rapidly until each time you think of this new pattern you feel good automatically.
Here is a bizarre, outrageous and effective way to get leverage and break your pattern: Get a weight-loss buddy and promise him or her and a group of other friends that your will begin a strict regimen of healthy foods and enjoyable exercise. Further commit them that if you break your promise, you will eat a whole can of Alpo dog food. The women who shared this with me told me that she and her friend kept their cans in plain view at all times (no pun intended!) to remind them of their commitments. When they started to feel hunger pangs or considered skipping exercise, they’d pick up the can and read the label. Such appetizing ingredients such as ‘horsemeat chunks’ helped them achieve their goals without a hitch! From giant steps – 1994 – Anthony Robbins
1. Ten reasons why I must change now and why I know I can do it:
‘The great end of life in now knowledge but action’ – Tomas Henry Huxley
2. List four or five ways to get myself out of the limiting associations:
Day 5-7 –What everyone wants and how you can get it! – Disk 5
In this session, you learned what people what people really want in life is to change one or two things: either the way they feel about something (e.g. to move from being frustrated to confident, from sad to happy, from depressed to emotionally strong) or they want to change a behavior (e.g. to stop smoking or drinking, to start taking massive action, to exercise and enjoy it, to follow through on their commitments.) But the one reason we want to change our behavior is we’re hoping that if we lose that weight, stop procrastinating, take that action we’ll feel good. Everything human beings do is merely an attempt to change the way they feel, to ‘change state’. Moment to moment, what we do is powerfully shaped by the state we’re in. When we’re in a frustrated state, we tend to behave very differently than when we’re feeling confident or excited or determined. One of the most important things we do to create power, joy, and passion we really want in our lives is to learn or manage our states of mind. You can do this immediately through two primary vehicles, the first of which is physiology. (the other is focus detailed in the next session) 1. You can change how you feel instantly by changing the way you move, breathe, use your facial expressions, or make any new demand on your body 2. The state you’re in determines your behavior and also your performance in anything – business, sports, relationships, etc. – the first thing to do is to change your state. In any situation, if you put yourself in a peak state you will be able to utilize more of your true capabilities in life. 3. Remember, you’re always responsible for your own states. After the next few days of learning, you won’t just be responsible; you’ll know how to quickly and easily change how you feel about virtually anything and move yourself into peak performance at will. Here’s how to use physiology to manage your state. 1. Move your body differently, and develop some ‘power moves’ : deliberate, strong, unhesitating movements that give you an immediate sense of certainty. You can also use your voice to put yourself in a peak state. Speak stronger, move rapidly, with a bit more volume from deeper in your chest than you usually do. 2. Changing your breathing can immediately change your state. Deep, diaphragmatic breaths create radically different emotional states than shallow breathing that begins in the upper chest. 3. Radical changes in facial expressions will immediately change the way you feel. 4. Changing elements of your diet can maximize your health and energy
5. All of these put together can make significant changes in the patterns of the emotional states you experience day to day. Your Assignment Here’s how to develop the ability to put yourself in a passionate state instantly. 1. Invite a friend or business associate to participate in an ‘experiment.’ Sit down together and ask your partner to notice what you do with your physiology – faces, voice, body, gestures, posture, etc. – throughout the experiment. 2. Begin to talk about a subject you’re normally passionate about in an exaggeratedly dispassionate way, as if you really don’t believe in it, you don’t feel strongly about it. Pick something that normally does inspire you, but talk about it in an uninspiring way, and have your partner notice what you do with your face, your voice, your body and your gestures. 3. Change your state radically. Get fired up, if necessary and move around for a moment. 4. Now talk to your partner about the same subject with all the passion, joy, energy, and conviction you can muster. 5. Ask your partner to share with you some of the specific differences in how you moved, breathed, used your face, and used your voice There is no greatness without a and record this in your journal. These are your passion to be great, whether biomarkers, the ‘triggers’ that can cause you to feel it’s the aspiration of an athlete or an artist, a scientist a passionate in the future. parent, or businessperson – 6. Experiment today: At some moment when you’re feeling Anthony Robbins calm or feeling negative, snap yourself immediately into a passionate state using what you learned from Step 5 above. The differences my partner noticed between my dispassionate versus passionate state:
Day 8 -The Power of Focus - Disk 6
A second way to manage your states, in addition to using your physiology, is to control and direct the focus of your mind. 1. The way you feel and what you experience in your body comes from what you focus your attention upon during a given moment 2. At any moment you are ‘deleting’ most of what is going on around you. This is, to feel bad, you have to delete (not focus on, not think about) everything that’s great in your life. And vice versa. For you to feel good, you have to delete the things you could feel bad about. This process of deleting is an important part of how the mind maintains the balance in one’s emotional state. Undirected, however, it can wreak havoc in your day-to-day experience. To manage your states, there are two things you can control with respect to focus. When you change either of these, you immediately change how you feel. 1. What you’re picturing in your mind 2. How you’re picturing it. (e.g. dimensions, brightness of mental piccures, etc) At this moment, how you’re evaluating things determines what you focus on. 1. Evaluations are nothing but questions you ask yourself. 2. Your state – and ultimately your life – are the result of the questions you ask. To manage your state via focus, you must control the questions you ask yourself. 1. Eliminate limiting, ‘endless loop’ questions 2. Continually ask yourself questions that empower you. Your Assignment 1. Develop five questions you’re going to ask yourself every morning for the rest of this 30 day program – questions that will cause you to go into positive powerful states. 2. Write them down and put them next to your bed or on your bathroom mirror. 3. Every morning ask yourself these five questions and come up with at least two answers for each of them.
Things do not change; we change – Henry David Thoreau
Anthony Robbins’ morning power questions 1. What am I happy about in my life now? What about that makes me happy? How does that make me feel? 2. What am I excited about in my life now? What about that makes me excited? How does that make me feel? 3. What am I proud about in my life now? What about this makes me proud? How does that make me feel? 4. What am I grateful about in my life now? What about that makes me grateful? How does that make me feel? 5. What am I enjoying most in my life right now? What about that do I enjoy? How does that make me feel? 6. What am I committed to in my life right now? What about that makes me committed? How does that make me feel? 7. Who do I love? Who loves me? What about that makes me loving? How does that make me feel?
Five questions I’m going to ask myself every morning:
Day 9 –Values and beliefs: The source of Success or Failure – Disk 7
Values are emotional states that, based on our life experience, we believe are most important for us to experience (move toward) or avoid (move away from). The moving-toward values, or ‘pleasure’ values are emotions like love, happiness, success, security, adventure. These are known as ends values. Its important to make the distinction between means values, which are simply ‘vehicles’ or ‘instruments,’ and ends values, which drive all of our behaviors as human beings. 1.
Some people say that what they value most in life are their cars. Well, its true they may value a car (ie. Its important to them), but they value it as a means, a way to get what they are really after. The end a person who values a car might be seeking is a sense of convenience or a sense of freedom or, depending upon the type of car, maybe a sense of power or fun. Likewise many people say they want money. But money is merely means to an end. The don’t want pieces of paper with pictures of ‘deceased notables’ on them. They Examples of a want what they think money will give them. For some people, they values believe that’s security or the ability to take control of their lives. A hierarchy feeling of choice. The secret in life is to know what you’re really after, LOVE the end values. HEALTH 2. All decision making is nothing but values clarification. If you know SUCCESS what you value most, what you truly want most out of your life, then FREEDOM you’ll find you can make decisions much more effectively and rapidly. INTIMACY SECURITY A belief is a feeling of certainty about the meaning o something. Your ADVENTURE beliefs determine whether or not you feel like you’re meeting your values – POWER they can either limit or liberate you. PASSION COMFORT There are two basic kinds of beliefs: 1. Global beliefs are generalizations: “Life is….,” “People are….,” “I am….” 2. Rules are conditional ideas: “If this, then that.” Your Assignment The subject of values is critically important because our values guide all our decision-making. Most people would think that even attempting to define their own values is too big a task for a thirty-day process, much less a single day (I actually teach and guide people through this process during an intensive four day program called DATE WITH DESTINY.) Obviously, if you’ve made it to the ninth day of this program and are still taking notes, you are an extraordinary individual! Having said that, I would like to give you a six-step process which will require a significant amount of your time and energy, but I think the rewards are remarkable.
You might want to complete the first two of the six steps today and divide the rest of the tasks over the course the next week. I know how challenging this can be, but there are few tings in things in the world more rewarding than being absolutely clear about what’s important to you. So set yourself up to win on this assignment today by breaking it down into doable chunks. And be sure to have fun! 1. Ask yourself this question: What’s most important to me in my life? Make sure you write down the feelings you’re after, the states you value most, such as love, passion, happiness, as opposed to means valued like money or business success. If you think you want money or business success, ask yourself, if I had that additional money, if I had that business success, what would it ultimately give me? How would it make me feel? Those feelings are the true driving force in your life, your ‘moving-towards values’ 2. Rewrite your moving towards values in the order of their importance. 3. Make a list of all the negative feelings or emotions you’d do almost anything to avoid. For some people this list might include rejection or overwhelm or loneliness. Discovering what you want to avoid will help you understand more about your drive. We are not driven just to get what we want. We’re also driven to avoid those feelings we link the most pain to, our ‘movingaway-from values’ 4. Rewrite your moving-away-from values in the order of their importance, starting at the top of the list with the one you would do the most to avoid feeling. 5. What has to happen for you to feel these emotions? For example, if success is one of your values, what has to happen for you to feel successful? (For some individuals to feel successful, they have to have a million dollars in the bank. For others to feel successful, they have to wake up, look down, and see the ground because they believe every day above ground is a great day!) Similarly, on your moving-away-from values, what has to happen for you to feel them? (For some individuals, if they don’t achieve a goal one time, they feel like a failure. For others it’s impossible to fail. Their rule is, “I would fail only if I were to give up. As long as I keep trying, I’m successful.” It’s important to understand the rules you have for feeling bad, because often we make it too hard to feel good and too easy to feel bad. 6. Have you discovered any rules which limit the quality of your life? If so, which rules are you willing to change now to improve your life forever?
1. Whats’s most important to me in life (moving-toward values)?
3. What would l do the most to avoid (moving-away-from values)?
4. My moving-away-from values in order of importance:
4. What has to happen for me to feel each of these emotions (moving-toward and moving-away-from values)?
EXAMPLES OF RULES FOR MIVING-TOWARD AND MOVINGAWAY-FROM VALUES “l feel healthy whenever l walk at least 15 minutes a day.” “l feel healthy when l take care of myself by getting massages.” “Whenever l eat fruit, l feel healthy.” “l feel boredom if and only if all the world’s problems have been solved.” “l would feel boredom if l cut off all contact with humanity and set up residence in Antarctica.”
5. The rules l’m willing to change now to improve my life forever:
EXAMPLES OF RULES THAT SHOULD BE CHANGED “I have to do everything perfectly all the time in order to be successful.” “I feel intelligent only if l have an I.Q. of 200 or higher.” “In order for me to feel loved, my children must obey me 100 percent of the time without complaint.” “I must always breathe pure, unpolluted air to be healthy.” “To be a success, l must write five bestselling novels, make $3 million, and set a new record for running the mile-all by age 21.” “I will be happy only when l win the state lottery.” “I know I’m successful when l never make any mistakes.”
“Nothing has any power over me other than that which l give it through my conscious thoughts.” ANTHONY ROBBINS
Day 10: How to Take Complete Control of Your Life -Disc 8 To gain full control of your life, you must discover your core beliefs, change those that are limiting you, and resolve any conflicting beliefs. To change a belief you must do the following: 1. Identify the belief you want to change 2. Link enough pain to your current belief so you automatically move away from it. 3. Identify a new, empowering belief. 4. Condition the new belief by “rehearsing” (mentally picturing and feeling the effect) over and over again and how your life will be better with this new belief, and how painful it would be to keep the old belief. Two Simple Yet Valuable Core Beliefs to Adopt 1. “The past does not equal the future.” 2. “There is always a way if l’m committed.” Find two core beliefs that have limited your life and use the “Dickens Pattern” to change them. 1. Identify the two beliefs you want to change. 2. Close your eyes. Think about and feel consequences- past and present- you’ve experienced because of these beliefs. Feel the emotional costs these beliefs have had on your life. What have they cost you in your relationships, your finances, your physical body, your level of happiness and fulfillment? What do you regret most as a result of these beliefs? 3. Step five years into the future and drag these limiting beliefs with you. What is the cost? 4. Step into the future 10 years. What is the cost? 5. Step into the future 20 years. What is the cost? 6. Come back to now and recognize none of this has happened yet. You have a chance to change it. What happened was a painful gift to move you to change your entire your entire destiny right now! 7. Change your body radically – move as if you felt totally energized, excited, and passionate (e.g., breathe talk more rapidly). 8. Decide what your new beliefs should be and write them down, stated in the positive. Close your eyes and think about how these benefits will transform the quality of your life. What will you gain by these new beliefs? How will you be more happy? How will you be more successful financially and in your relationships? How will your physical body be transformed when these beliefs begin to guide your daily actions? Again, associate. How is your life greater now, more fulfilling , richer emotionally, physically, financially? 9. Step into the future five years with your new beliefs. Where are you now in your life? 10. Step into the future 10 years. Where are you now? 11. Step into the future 20 years. Where are you now?
12. Look at both destinies and decide which one you’re committed to living, then return to the present Your Assignment You may find it useful to write down what your old beliefs were and what the consequences have been or would have been all your life in order to remind yourself of the leverage that will guide you in maintaining your new beliefs. Write down how your two new beliefs will enhance the quality of your life now. What my new beliefs are and how they will increase the quality of my life:
“It is the mind that maketh good or ill, that maketh the wretch or happy, rich or poor.” Edmund Spenser
Day 11: The Power of “Why” -Disc 9 First of all, commit yourself to mastering the fundamentals. Get excited about practicing fundamentals every day to create the ongoing level of happiness and joy you want. With goals we create our destiny! We must have a big enough “why” to succeed- we must have enough compelling reasons to drive us forward to do whatever it takes to achieve ours goals. “Purpose is stronger than outcome.” Who you become in the process of achieving your goals is the real purpose. Why do goals work? 1. “As you think, so you become. “If you develop a consistent and impassioned focus on something, you’ll experience it. 2. Setting a goal is acknowledging to your conscious and subconscious minds that where you are is not where you want to be. Having a goal creates positive pressure, which is necessary to move you forward- you must learn to manage pressure. Here’s how to create a big enough “why” for each of your goals. 1. Write down all you will gain from achieving your goal- why you’re committed to making it a reality (linking pleasure to achieving.) 2. Write down what it will cost you not to achieve the goal (linking pain to not achieving).
YOUR ASSIGNMENT: Remember: part of what drives us is our desire, our hunger. Seeing and admitting that things are not as good as we want them to be creates a drive to make our lives the way we believe they should and must be. Take action on the following assignment: 1. List the specific areas of your life that are not what you want them to be. 2. Write down what you would have to believe to consistently follow through on the transformation of your life. 3. List the set of beliefs you’d have to hold to achieve your ultimate goals. What would you have to believe in order to not only set your goals but really 4. Write down why you must change these situations now and why you know you can. You’ve probably already handled much more difficult situations at some point in your life. If you haven’t, now is the time to do so. 1. The specific areas of my life that are not what I want them to be:
“People are no lazy. They simply have impotent goals – that is, goals that do not inspire them.” Anthony Robbins
2. What I would have to believe to consistently follow through on the transformation of my life
3. What I would have to believe to not only set my goals but really achieve them:
4. Why I must change these situations now and why I know I can:
Day 12-14 Creating your future: The goal setting – workshop -Disk 10 1. List your goals for personal development. a. Next to each of these goals, write down the time within which you’ve committed to accomplishing it, i.e., within 1,3,5,10,20 years b. Select your top three personal development goals, and under each one, write a paragraph describing why you’re committed to achieving this goal within the next year. 2. List your things goals. a. Next to each of these goals, write down the time within which you’ve committed to accomplishing it, i.e., within 1,3,5,10,20 years b. Select your top three goals, and under each one, write a paragraph describing why you’re committed to acquiring it within the next year. 3. List you economic or financial goals. a. Next to each of these goals write down the time within which you’re committed to achieving it, i.e., within 1,3,5,10,20 years. b. Select your top three financial goals, and under each one, write a paragraph describing why you’re committed to achieving within the next year. Your Assignment: 1. For each of your top nine goals, write down one action you can take right away to make initial progress toward achieving it. 2. Take that action toward each goal today. 3. Do the Rocking Chair Test to help you commit to accomplishing each of your goals. Imagine yourself much older, sitting in your rocking chair and looking back on your life, first, as you had not achieved your goal, then imagine yourself having achieved it. (Experience the pain that would follow not doing it along with the pleasure that would come from accomplishing your goal.) Be sure to take time this weekend to listen to your bonus session entitled THE SIX HUMAN NEEDS! You’ll find it on CD 23 and 24 1. (Brainstorm your personal development goals below.) My top three goals for personal development and one action I can take today toward attainment:
“There is only one success – to be able to spend life in your own way!” – Christopher Morley
2. (Brainstorm your things goals below.) My top three things goals and one action I can take today toward their attainment:
3. (Brainstorm your economic or financial goals below.) My top three economic or financial goals and one action I can take today toward their attainment: